Thursday, June 17, 2010

Is 3D TV Really Worth?

Just when you'd got used to 3D being the 'big thing' at the movies, along comes 3D movies in your own home.
I'd guess you've already seen at least one 3D movie. Maybe you were blown away, or maybe you just left with a bit of a headache. Either way, 3D movies have performed well for the production companies, and in some cases provided a more involving and impressive movie experience. Avatar being the first movie to truly take 3D from being a 'bit of a gimmick' to actually pulling you a little more deeply inside a fantasy world.
So What About 3D On Your Home TV?
Well, firstly 3D TV is not just about movies. Imagine the National Geographic channel in 3D, and just feeling that little bit more like you're really there in those far off places, or strange unseen animal worlds.
The sporting channels are blazing this trail right now. Depending on where you are in the world you can already watch your teams playing in 3D right now from the comfort of your own home. Of course it can never be the same as 'being there'. But if it makes the experience that bit more exciting then why not.
It feels like too much of a leap to believe we'll ever be watching game shows or soaps in 3D. But that's really up to the innovation of program makers. We have yet to see if they can design new programming that is genuinely more entertaining in 3D.
And What Equipment Do You Need For 3D TV?
Here's the painful truth. You will need a new 3D TV. Even your fancy current HDTV will not be able to produce the 3D effect. You also have to have special 3D glasses. Those basic plastic ones you got at the movies will not work. You will need electronic ones designed for use with your particular 3D TV set.
Then of course you will need something in 3D to watch. Now this could be programs broadcast by Sky, your cable provider, or 3D Blu-ray DVD's. The range is small right now, but growing. Expect anything shown in 3D at the movies to hit 3D DVD very quickly. But unfortunately you will need a special 3D DVD player to boot.
Is 3D Really Worth It?
It is a worthwhile innovation. And yes, it definitely can offer you something more at home. But unless you really have money to burn you won't rush out and upgrade all of your electronics anytime soon.
But in the coming years when you actually need to buy a new TV, it is very likely that most mid-range TV's will have 3D features built in. And when it becomes a feature that is just included in the box, then 3D TV will really fly.

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